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Type undefined reference to `vTaskDelete'

Posted by mahendra12345 on September 15, 2016

Hello there, I'm using WIN32 simmulator with mingw to learn FreeRTOS. Everything is working greate and I've create project asscodiated with task, queue, semaphore, mutex etc Now the problem is when i wanted to delete perticular task then my compiler shows me message "Type undefined reference to `vTaskDelete'"

I've included all necessary header files but i really don't know whats wrong with it. More ever with eclipse when i click on vTaskDelete() api with ctl pressed then I can see the deleration of the api in** task.**h

Here is my code


include "FreeRTOS/FreeRTOS.h"
include "task.h"
include "scheduler_task.hpp"

TaskHandlet TaskHandler1; TaskHandlet TaskHandler2; TaskHandlet TaskHandler3; TaskHandlet TaskHandler4;

void enableFlushAfterPrintf() { setvbuf(stdout, 0, _IONBF, 0); setvbuf(stdin, 0, _IONBF, 0); }

void Task1(void *p){ for(;;){ printf("task 1n"); vTaskDelete(TaskHandler_1); } }

void Task2(void *p){ for(;;){ printf("task 2n"); vTaskDelete(TaskHandler_2); } }

void Task4(void *p){ for(;;){ printf("Tassk4 is Runningn"); vTaskDelete(TaskHandler_4); } }

void Task3(void *p){ for(;;){ printf("task3 is running created task2 and task4n"); xTaskCreate(Task2, "task2", 1024, NULL, 2, &TaskHandler2); xTaskCreate(Task4, "task4", 1024, NULL, 4, &TaskHandler4); printf("task 3 is complated after creating task 2 and 4n"); vTaskDelete(TaskHandler_3); } }

int main(void){ enableFlushAfterPrintf(); xTaskCreate(Task3, "task3", 1024, NULL, 3, &TaskHandler3); xTaskCreate(Task1, "task1", 1024, NULL, 1, &TaskHandler1); vTaskStartScheduler(); }


can any one help me ?

Type undefined reference to `vTaskDelete'

Posted by davedoors on September 15, 2016

The 'Task' at the start of the function name tells you the function is implemented in tasks.c. A quick search for the function in the file shows it is protected by #if ( INCLUDEvTaskDelete == 1 ). Does your FreeRTOSConfig.h have INCLUDEvTaskDelete set to 1?

Type undefined reference to `vTaskDelete'

Posted by mahendra12345 on September 15, 2016

it was defined as 0 putting 1 solved problem Thanks...

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