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Cortex-A and Cortex-R irq stack not 8-byte aligned?

Posted by rudi1895 on September 27, 2016

The example files named portASM.s in the FreeRTOS V9.0.0 and earlier demos for Cortex-A and Cortex-R devices contain the following instruction sequence: ~~~ /* Ensure bit 2 of the stack pointer is clear. r2 holds the bit 2 value for future use. */ MOV r2, sp AND r2, r2, #4 SUB sp, sp, r2

/* Call the interrupt handler. */
PUSH	{r0-r3, lr}
LDR		r1, vApplicationIRQHandlerConst
BLX		r1
POP		{r0-r3, lr}
ADD		sp, sp, r2

~~~ The first three instructions adjust the IRQ stack to be 8-byte aligned. But the following instruction pushes five registers on the stack. IMHO this push will result in an unaligned stack for the called handler.

The instruction sequence proposed for this purpose by ARM pushes two registers and thus keeps the alignment. There is a link to a document on the stack alignment from ARM on the mentioned page.

As I just came across looking for a working IRQ handler for my bare metal application without a (Free)RTOS, I cannot check my assumption. But there are questions in this forum on unaligned stacks which indicate problems as discussed in the document from ARM.

BTW: Comparing the IRQ handlers from ARM and from FreeRTOS there seems to be room for some optimization in FreeRTOS IRQ handler.

HTH Rudi

Cortex-A and Cortex-R irq stack not 8-byte aligned?

Posted by rtel on September 27, 2016

Hi Rudi - thanks for your valuable feedback. This will be investigated and corrected if necessary. It is possible that the number of registers being pushed has changed over time, resulting in the issue you highlight.

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