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freeRTOS using software interrupt

Posted by Nishant Agrawal on November 17, 2010
Hi guys,

I was going through the documentation of freeRTOS and found out that the it uses software interrupt 0. To integrate it with my existing drivers I will need to add other software interrupts as well. Is there any modification that can be done to add the other software interrupts. I tried integrating the code from portASM.s to SWI.s from Keil but was unsuccessfull.

Can I get any ideas on how to add other software interrupts.

Thanks in advance.

With regards,

RE: freeRTOS using software interrupt

Posted by Richard on November 17, 2010
I'm guessing it was you that posted this to the LPC2000 Yahoo group, where I replied. In addition to my reply there I think the SWI parameter is encoded into the SWI instruction itself (from memory, its been a while since I looked at that) so you have to look at the interrupt return address to find the instruction, and mask of the low nibble. Something like that anyway - I use a lot of different processors so I would have to check the manual to be sure if I was talking about the right one.


RE: freeRTOS using software interrupt

Posted by Nishant Agrawal on November 18, 2010
Thank you Richard for your advice. Yes I am the same person. I think being able to implement other software interrupts will add a lot of power to the already existing abilities to freeRTOS port of ARM. The other thing I would be trying to modify is to reduce or if possible remove the conditions where interrupts are being disabled and implement all such critical regions in software interrupts because according to my understanding disabling interrupts might introduce spurious interrupts. I would be very grateful if you could advice me.

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