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Posted by Jon Newcomb on November 23, 2010
I noticed on the website there was mention of a FreeRTOS supported variant of uIP

In the example files there are the following directories:
* \FreeRTOSV6.1.0\Demo\Common\ethernet\FreeRTOS-uIP
* \FreeRTOSV6.1.0\Demo\Common\ethernet\FreeTCPIP

Can anyone comment of the difference between the two projects?

The target I use is based on the Atmel AT91SAM7X-EK, but this example uses
* \FreeRTOSV6.1.0\Demo\uIP_Demo_IAR_ARM7\uip

Is there anyone who has successfully integrated the supported variant of uIP with this platform?
Any relevant comments regarding uIP on this platform with FreeRTOS are gratefully received..


Posted by Richard on November 23, 2010
FreeRTOS-uIP is deprecated, and kept only so existing demo apps continue to compile.

FreeTCPIP (based on uIP) is newer and still under development - there are lots of plans about what to do with this but too little time to implement them ;o) FreeTCPIP is based on more up to date uIP files, that are not directly from the uIP 1.0 code base. Not all the modifications from FreeRTOS-uIP have been migrated into this new version yet. I want to limit the number of demos that use the new version at the moment so there are fewer to re-test once the stack source itself has been updated.


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