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heap2.c vs lwip's mem.c

Posted by pbeamtn on November 6, 2008
I have ported the gcc ARM7 project with lwip to IAR, but I have discovered I have 2 different heaps, which seems inefficient. Lwip seems to have some status functions with their implementation, so I can determine how much of the heap is actually used.

My question is this, would FreeRTOS work if I substituted lwip's malloc() and free() instead of those provided by heap2.c? I'm feeling cramped for RAM, and I think this would help. I don't currently dynamically create and kill tasks, etc, so I believe FreeRTOS would just allocate memory at startup.


RE: heap2.c vs lwip's mem.c

Posted by Richard on November 7, 2008
You can allocate the memory required by FreeRTOS.org any way you want - just provide implementations of pvPortMalloc() and vPortFree() that wrap the lwIP calls if that is your preferred method. The heaps that come with FreeRTOS.org are intended for demo purposes only as each embedded system has different requirements for memory management.

Take care about mutual exclusion and fragmentation though.


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