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Invalid opcode 0xffff at address 0x003322

Posted by Pascal Jean on November 13, 2005
I use FreeRTOS to produce a robot (mavrix).
I use a ATMEGA128 and AVR Studio 4.12rc1
I created a small very simple demonstration to play of the music.
In the task which plays the music, the call with xTaskGetTickCount starts an error of AVRSTUDIO:
AVR Simulator: Invalid opcode 0xffff at address 0x003322
I suspect a overflow of pile (Richard put 112233 at the end of the stack) but even by increasing the size of that does not change anything. If you have an idea, I am interested... Thank you.

RE: Invalid opcode 0xffff at address 0x003322

Posted by Nobody/Anonymous on November 14, 2005
Very likely a stack overflow. Can you look in the stack when the error occurs? You should be able to do this from within AVRStudio when the probelm happens.

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