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AT91SAM7X-EX Rowley uIP startup issues

Posted by baxsie on November 22, 2005
I got a Cross-Connect from Rowley and it seems to play with the Rowley environment very well. Using it, the iwIP demo seems to work well. Starts, stops, single steps, etc without oddity. I can make a change in the source, rebuild and see the changes.

I then loaded up the uIP demo, changed the IP address and rebuilt it. It seems to download OK, but if I try to run it, it gets stopped at the b_abort. I stepped to the statement where the first b_abort happened, commented that statement out, rebuilt, but it gets another b_abort shortly thereafter.

Could you load up the Rowley uIP demo onto the AT91SAM7X-EX and see if it all works fine for you? Maybe try stepping through the startup untill you get to main()?


RE: AT91SAM7X-EX Rowley uIP startup issues

Posted by Richard on November 22, 2005
??? Where did you get a Rowley uIP demo for the SAM7X? There is a Rowley demo for uIP included in the download but targeted at a different processor (LPC2000 with external MAC). There is also a uIP demo for the SAM7x but for the IAR tools.

You could easily remove the lwIP source from the Rowley SAM7X demo and add in the uIP source if this is what you wish to to.


RE: AT91SAM7X-EX Rowley uIP startup issues

Posted by baxsie on November 23, 2005

OK. My bad. The names of the "uIP_Demo_IAR_ARM7" and "uIP_Demo_Rowley_ARM7" were so similar that I figured they were for the same target.

Thanks for the reply.

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