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FreeRTOSV 8.2.3 debugging with Visual Studio issues.

Posted by devrules616 on March 25, 2017

Hello guys, So I am new to RTOS . I tried to start with using the Visual studio IDE to build the project. I created two tasks with following params.

Task1 name="Task1"Task2 name="Task2" Task1 stack size = 1000 Task2 stack size = 100 Task1 priority = 3 Task2 priority = 1 started the scheduler.

Now i put two printf statements in each tasks .to check in console. but none of them show up. Please chek the code below .

//1st task that we have void vTaskCode1(void * param) { while(1) { printf("This is task 1...%dn",i+1); vTaskDelay(100); } }

// Create func. for the first task void vTaskCreate1(void) { BaseTypet xReturned; TaskHandlet xHandle = NULL; /* Create the task, storing the handle. / printf("about to create task 1...n"); xReturned = xTaskCreate( vTaskCode1, / Function that implements the task. / "Task1", / Text name for the task. / 1000, / Stack size in words, not bytes. / (int *)1, / Parameter passed into the task. / 3, / Priority at which the task is created. / &xHandle); / Used to pass out the created task's handle. */

if (xReturned == pdPASS)
	/* The task was created.  Use the task's handle to delete the task. */


void main() { prvInitialiseHeap(); vTraceInitTraceData(); xTickTraceUserEvent = xTraceOpenLabel("tick");

vTaskCreate1(); vTaskCreate2();

vTaskStartScheduler(); }

Any help or suggestion is really welcome. Thank You

FreeRTOSV 8.2.3 debugging with Visual Studio issues.

Posted by heinbali01 on March 25, 2017

Without having read the entire code....:

within a Windows FreeRTOS project, you can not make a call to printf() or any other system API. If you want to send out logging, please refer to the module demo_logging.c and its function vLoggingPrintf().

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