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Cortex A9 port: The access to portICCPMR_PRIORITY_MASK_REGISTER causes data abort

Posted by stephenwwu on March 24, 2014

I am porting FreeRTOS 8.0.0 to other ARMv7 platforms based on the .../portable/GCC/ARMCA9. I found the system generates data abort when accessing portICCPMRPRIORITYMASKREGISTER.

portICCPMRPRIORITYMASKREGISTER is defined as ( *( ( volatile uint8t * ) ( portINTERRUPTCONTROLLERCPUINTERFACEADDRESS + portICCPMRPRIORITYMASK_OFFSET ) ) ) in portmacro.h. According to ARM IHI0048B GIC Architecture Specification, section 4.1.4, all registers support 32-bit access. Some registers support 8-bit access. All other accesses are implementation dependent.

I changed portICCPMRPRIORITYMASK_REGISTER to 32-bit wide register, the data abort goes away.

Does the register width change make sense? Is there any side effect of the width change?

Cortex A9 port: The access to portICCPMR_PRIORITY_MASK_REGISTER causes data abort

Posted by rtel on March 24, 2014

To be honest, I'm not sure.

The ICCPMR register is a 32-bit register, but only the least significant byte is implemented. The other three bytes are "Reserved", and should be read as zero with writes ignored. Therefore I would not have thought it made any difference, but evidently it does. I think you would have to look at the assembly code generated to work out what the problem is.

Please report back what you find.

Out of interest, which chip are you porting to?


Cortex A9 port: The access to portICCPMR_PRIORITY_MASK_REGISTER causes data abort

Posted by stephenwwu on March 25, 2014

The assembly code was 8-bit load 'ldrb' when it is declared as (uint8t *). The ldrb instruction causes data abort. After changing the definition to (uint32t *), the assembly code becomes 'ldr'. No more data abort.

Cortex A9 port: The access to portICCPMR_PRIORITY_MASK_REGISTER causes data abort

Posted by rtel on March 25, 2014

I have updated all 3 Cortex-A port layers to ensure only 32-bit accesses are made to both the ICCPMR and ICCRPR registers.


Cortex A9 port: The access to portICCPMR_PRIORITY_MASK_REGISTER causes data abort

Posted by stephenwwu on March 25, 2014

Thanks for the confirmation.

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