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getting issue while Porting FreeRTOS Demo of

Posted by Anurag on March 24, 2012
I am getting issue while Porting FreeRTOS Demo of MicroBlaze_Spartan-6_EthernetLite Application on virtex-6 Boaard.

(1) Board Target is not ping while using Board IP from PC.Ping from PC Error comes console DegsinationHost unreachable.

(2)RX and TX task in main-full.c.TX is working.RX task always in ready state.XCreate Timer API fails to call second task.What Need to change in the code for Porting LWIP Application on Virex-6 Board.

RE: getting issue while Porting FreeRTOS Demo of

Posted by Anurag on March 24, 2012
Please guide me what need to change in FreeRTOS Demo of MicroBlaze_Spartan-6_EthernetLite Demo. I need to be Ported on FreeRTOS on Virtex-6 FPGA Boards I am New User of FreeRTOS..

RE: getting issue while Porting FreeRTOS Demo of

Posted by Anurag on March 24, 2012
Please guide me what i have to be need to change in FreeRTOS Demo of MicroBlaze_Spartan-6_EthernetLite Demo.

Source code .so that i can port this Application on Virtex-6 FPGA Board and need to be run LWIP Application in my

project.I am New User of FreeRTOS..

RE: getting issue while Porting FreeRTOS Demo of

Posted by Richard on March 25, 2012
The Virtex 6 port is not a port to the FPGA, but a port to the Microblaze, the FPGA that the Microblaze is running on should not make any difference.

There are other variables though. For a start, the Microblaze is itself configurable, and there is more than one option for the IP used by the MAC. If you are using the exact same Microblaze configuration, and the exact same MAC IP, and your interconnections are the same, then there should not be any porting to do as far as I am aware. If your hardware design is different (the design running on the FPGA, not the FPGA itself) then you will have ensure that is correct before attempting to add FreeRTOS to it.

As you have Tx working, then the hardware design must be at least partially correct, so I would recommend debugging from the MAC interrupt to see if any Rx interrupts are received, and if they are received, what happens to the data that is received. I think you are a long way from determining that FreeRTOS has anything to do with your connectivity.


RE: getting issue while Porting FreeRTOS Demo of

Posted by Anurag on March 27, 2012
Dear Sir
Thanks for reply.Now I am able to run FreeRTOS on virtex-6 Board.I Ported freeRTOS on virtex-6 Board.

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