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MSP430F5438 with msp-gcc

Posted by jferr on June 28, 2012
Hi all,

I'm trying to port the MSP430F5438_CCS demo application to msp430-gcc.

After a few modifications in the code, such as ISR definitions and so on, everything seems ok, except this error in linking process:

main.c:(.init9+0xda): undefined reference to `vRegTest1Task'
main.c:(.init9+0xf6): undefined reference to `vRegTest2Task'
timers.c:(.text+0x29c): undefined reference to `vPortYield'
port.c:(.text+0x22): undefined reference to `vPortPreemptiveTickISR'

I can see that, this code is defined in the portext.asm file from portable/CSS/ which I copy to portable/GCC/MSP430X

Also, when i try to compile this asm file to obtain the disered .o I get:
$ msp430-as -mmcu=msp430f5438a portext.asm
ortext.asm: Assembler messages:
portext.asm:58: Error: missing string
portext.asm:66: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.def'
portext.asm:67: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.def'

So, I'm assuming that this file is not combilable by msp430-gcc (just for CSS4).

I'm wondering if I need to put this asm code inside the port.c "inlined" as is done in msp430F449 port.

Do you have some sugestions? How can I make this portext.asm (for CCS4) compilling in GCC?

Thank you all,

RE: MSP430F5438 with msp-gcc

Posted by Peter A. Bigot on June 28, 2012
See https://github.com/pabigot/freertos-mspgcc for a current port of this demo to the latest mspgcc. I haven't back-ported this to the LTS-20120406 release, although that could be done if that's your toolchain version.

RE: MSP430F5438 with msp-gcc

Posted by Peter A. Bigot on June 28, 2012
I've updated the port at https://github.com/pabigot/freertos-mspgcc to support mspgcc LTS-20120406 and the latest development release 20120627 which is still under development but adds 20-bit support. At this time, there are no known issues with the port with either toolchain. The port is in active development, though mostly in support libraries and not in the port files themselves.

Let me know if you have any issues with it.

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