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FreeRTOS in TI-MSP430 Launchpad

Posted by gallacticasd on June 4, 2012
Hi all,

I am trying to get FreeRTOS up and running in the TI Launchpad platform, which features a M430G2553. I have seen that there are some official demos for the MSP430 processor, more precisely for the MSP430F449.

Is it possible at all to run FreeRTOS in the M430G2553?

I have been trying to compile the demo from freertos.org under Code Composer Studio. It compiles fine for the predefined platform (the MSP430F449), however I am getting around 200 errors when I try to compile for the M430G2553 (processor integrated in the launchpad by default.

Can anybody provide some help regarding this issue?

Best regards,

RE: FreeRTOS in TI-MSP430 Launchpad

Posted by Richard on June 5, 2012
There are two FreeRTOS MSP430 related ports, with demos provided for each.

The base MSP430 port is demonstrated on the MSP430F449, which has 2K of RAM - that is really pushing it and probably used co-routines rather than preemptive tasks (?). The extended MSP430X port is demonstrated on the MSP430F5438, which I think has 16K or RAM, and is creating quite a lot of tasks.

As far as I am aware, the Launchpad devices are quite tiny, and the MSP430G2553 has about 500 bytes of RAM (?) - in which case, to be honest, unless you are doing this are a purely academic exercise, I would not carry on with your attempts as the resultant system is not going to be capable of running any real code.


RE: FreeRTOS in TI-MSP430 Launchpad

Posted by Peter A. Bigot on June 10, 2012
I've got the beginnings of a port for MSPGCC at https://github.com/pabigot/freertos-mspgcc. The RAM limitations of the MSP430G2553 make it barely usable, but the demo for it does allow two flash coroutines to exist.

The same repository has EXP430F5438 support, including use of the 20-bit address space. A primary goal of this effort is to provide a test environment for non-trivial 20-bit--capable applications using MSPGCC. More platforms and features are expected soon.

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