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FreeRTOS on Microblaze - fast_interrupt vs interrupt_handler

Posted by npatel on January 3, 2017

I am working with microblaze and I can see the port is using the address 0x10 and one function to handle interrupts. This allows proper saving on stack etc. for the operating system.

If I wanted to use the fastinterrupt attribute, which simply jumps to the interrupt fuction instead of having to jump to 0x10 address, what do I have to do in the interrupt routine to allow for proper FreeRTOS compatibility. Would fastinterrupt method even be supported to run FreeRTOS?

The reason I am asking, is I can see in portasm.S the function "interrupthandler" is doing special saving and loading of stack, etc. Would I need to do this to support fast_interrupts?

Thanks in advance for all the help!

FreeRTOS on Microblaze - fast_interrupt vs interrupt_handler

Posted by rtel on January 4, 2017

I have never done this so I'm not really sure, but I suspect if your fast interrupt is not using the FreeRTOS API, or at least not attempting to perform a context switch, then you probably don't have to do anything (other than ensure whatever resources are needed by the fast interrupt are provided).

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