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Zybo lwIP Implementation

Posted by troythompson on February 22, 2016

Hi, I was wondering if there have been any lwIP demos or other implementations posted for Zybo. I have searched around but have been unsuccessful in my attempt to find one. If anyone knows of one, could you please post it here or a link to it? Thanks, Troy

Zybo lwIP Implementation

Posted by rtel on February 22, 2016

The Xilinx projects are actually three projects.

First there is a hardware project which describes what hardware is available on the board.

Next there is a BSP project (Board Support Package) that is automatically generated from the hardware project, so you end up with a library of drivers specific to the hardware platform.

Finally there is the application project. The application project has a dependency on the BSP project, but as the BSP project is generated from the hardware project, the application project has no dependency on the hardware (assuming you are not trying to use a peripheral which physically does not exist on the hardware).

Therefore the FreeRTOS projects provided should run on the Zybo board provided you have a hardware project for the board - which presumably you do.

For example, our FreeRTOS+TCP project runs on both the ZC702 and MicroZed board because we supply a hardware project for both - the application is identical in both cases - therefore it will presumably also run on your board. See http://www.freertos.org/FreeRTOS-Plus/FreeRTOSPlusTCP/TCPIPFATExamplesXilinxZynq.html

Zybo lwIP Implementation

Posted by troythompson on February 22, 2016

I found in the the zip the application project, bsp project, and hw project for the zc702. I tried just taking the application project and pairing it with a bsp project and hw project I made for the zybo based on the zybo base system design. I couldn't even get the basic blinky led function to work. Is there something else I need to do besides just referencing the bsp from the application project?

Zybo lwIP Implementation

Posted by rtel on February 22, 2016

The way I would do this would be:

1) Import the hardware project. 2) Generate a BSP project from the hardware project (using the Xilinx SDK menus). 3) Only then import the application project.

If you are wanting to blink and LED then check the IO pin being toggled is correct for the hardware. The application code probably just toggles a GPIO directly, but the LED won't necessarily be on the same GPIO.

Zybo lwIP Implementation

Posted by troythompson on February 22, 2016

Are there any supported libraries that are recommended to include in the bsp?

Zybo lwIP Implementation

Posted by troythompson on February 22, 2016

I tried including all of the support libraries available I'm getting a ton of errors such as: 14:59:06 ERROR : (XSDB Server)ERROR: [Hsi 55-1545] Problem running tcl command ::swxilpmv10::generate : Error: Processor type ps7cortexa9 is not supported

while executing

"error "Error: Processor type $proctype is not supportedn"" (procedure "::swxilpmv10::generate" line 30) invoked from within "::swxilpmv10::generate xilpm" ERROR: [Hsi 55-1442] Error(s) while running TCL procedure generate() ERROR: [Hsi 55-1450] Error: running generate_bsp.

Zybo lwIP Implementation

Posted by rtel on February 22, 2016

From the error message it sounds like you are using a hardware platform that doesn't include a Zynq. Can this be the case.

Note - at this point, this is not a FreeRTOS issue, but an issue using the tools. Perhaps the board vendor can provide what you need for the projects?


Zybo lwIP Implementation

Posted by troythompson on February 23, 2016

Ok so I compared my created bsp to the bsp included with the ZC702 demo. The bsp for the ZC702 demo includes no support libraries so I removed them all from the bsp I created from the zybo hw platform and it builds without errors. However, when I run just the simple led function in the ZC702 demo application, I get no response from the zybo. Where do I need to change pin references? Or is that not the problem?

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