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HCS12X - RunTimeStats timer problem

Posted by axrider on December 2, 2009

I would like to try the RunTime Statistics on a HCS12X controller, but I don't know, how can I configure the Time Counter (for the runtime statistics). I tried to make another Timer Interrupt in the Processor Expert. I did not modified anything in the source code, did not write anything to the portCONFIGURE_TIMER_FOR_RUN_TIME_STATS() macro, just made the Timer Interrupt Bean.
After that I programmed the microcontroller, but when tried to start the system, did not work anything (not even the operating system started). When I deleted the new timer interrupt bean, everything worked again....
What is the reason, that I can't make another Timer Interrupt bean in the processor expert?
How can I configure the Run Time Statistic counter?

(Excuse for my English, I hope you understand what I try to tell :-) )


RE: HCS12X - RunTimeStats timer problem

Posted by Dave on December 3, 2009
Don't know the exact answer, but I think you are using CodeWarrior, which is an excellent tool if you want your build to be totally screwed up by it editing files you don't want editing and even selecting alternative files to build you don't even want building. I would say one of these two things has happened to you. Try using something more competent like a command line makefile. Alternatively, (and more seriously) make sure any files that have previously been generated by a bean are marked as read only because that will prevent it from wrecking your life.

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