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The problem of data transfer between the cores on ESP-Wroom-32.

Posted by orangepizero on August 1, 2017

Hello. In this code it is not possible to print correctly the data on each task. I can not understand the reason. The output of the program is below. How do I get the HELLO_WORLD string in each of the tasks in the output? Using the parameter transfer. Thank you. ~~~

include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
include "freertos/task.h"
include "freertos/event_groups.h"
include "esp_system.h"
include "espeventloop.h"
include "esp_log.h"
include "nvs_flash.h"

const sizet stacksize = 4096;

static void task1(void *pvParameters) { ESPLOGE("TASK", "TASK CORE1: %s", (char *)pvParameters); vTaskDelete(NULL); }

static void taskmain(void *pvParameters) { char *data = (char *)pvParameters; while(1) { ESPLOGI("TASK", "TASK CORE0: %s", data); vTaskDelay(1000 / portTICKRATEMS); xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(&task1, "task1", stacksize, (void*)&data, 2, NULL, 1); } vTaskDelete(NULL); }

void appmain() { char data[12] = "HELLOWORLD"; xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(&taskmain, "taskmain", stack_size, (void*)&data, 1, NULL, 0); } ~~~

OUTPUT: ~~~ E (264246) TASK: TASK CORE1: ��? I (265246) TASK: TASK CORE0: E (265246) TASK: TASK CORE1: ��? I (266246) TASK: TASK CORE0: E (266246) TASK: TASK CORE1: ��? I (267246) TASK: TASK CORE0: E (267246) TASK: TASK CORE1: ��? I (268246) TASK: TASK CORE0: E (268246) TASK: TASK CORE1: ��? I (269246) TASK: TASK CORE0: E (269246) TASK: TASK CORE1: ��? I (270246) TASK: TASK CORE0: E (270246) TASK: TASK CORE_1: ��? ~~~

The problem of data transfer between the cores on ESP-Wroom-32.

Posted by hs2sf on August 1, 2017

Probably because appmain is left and the string is a stack variable at least concerning taskmain. Be careful with the lifetime of data given by pvParameters. Why not using a task local string ? Provided that ESP_LOGI irtself is thread-safe of course ;)

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