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FreeRTOS+CLI Erorr in FreeRTOS_CLIProcessCommand

Posted by zhaleksey on August 17, 2017

I have some problem with CLI. If i have some my commands, I can call only one command. There are some own commands. static const CLICommandDefinitiont TERMINALHALSPICommands[] = {{ .pcCommand = "HALSPITransmit", .pcHelpString = "HALStatusTypeDef HALSPITransmit(SPIHandleTypeDef *hspi, uint8t *pData, uint16t Size, uint32t Timeout)nrExample: HALSPITransmit hspi1 32 1 5nrHALOKnr", .pxCommandInterpreter = TERMINALHALSPITransmit, .cExpectedNumberOfParameters = 4} .cExpectedNumberOfParameters = 3}, { .pcCommand = "GetSPIHandles", .pcHelpString = "GetSPIHandlesnrReturn lists of the SPI handles.nr", .pxCommandInterpreter = TERMINALHALSPIGetSPIStrHandles, .cExpectedNumberOfParameters = 0} };

In terminal i input: -> GetSPIHandles [hspi1] // Ok -> HALSPITransmit hspi1 10 2 5 [hspi1] // Not Ok

To fix this bug I delete the "static" before "const CLIDefinitionListItemt *pxCommand = NULL" in function FreeRTOSCLIProcessCommand (FreeRTOSCLI.c). Of course line "if( pxCommand == NULL)" can be deleted.

FreeRTOS+CLI Erorr in FreeRTOS_CLIProcessCommand

Posted by rtel on August 17, 2017

I'm not following this and finding it hard to read the code you posted on my phone as it wraps and I can't match the brackets. Could you please write the code out longhand, with each struct member initialized individually, and each const struct separate, and use the code formatting markup so it doesn't wrap on my small screen. Thanks.

Also if you think there is a bug please say what it is and my the change fixes it. Then I can try and replicate it.

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