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non-contiguous heap definition for different types of memories

Posted by gezab on August 30, 2016


I am working with IAR's STM32F746 development board where I have 3 regions of RAM: 64k very fast access internal RAM (for internal variables and structures), 256k of fast access internal RAM (defined as heap as of now) and 32M of external SDRAM which is big but quite slow (currently taking 22 clock cycles at 216MHz for a 32-bit read operation as the board connects the SDRAM chip to the uC via a 16-bit data bus and bursts are not supported by the SDRAM controller). I want to have my heap extended in SDRAM, too, and this would actually be quite straightforward with heap regions introduced in heap_5.c... The problem is that i want to control at run time whether internal RAM or external RAM gets allocated when malloc is called (I need dynamic allocation for fast as well as for slow memories).

Is it planned to have such a memory allocation flavour, too, like heap6.c maybe? At the moment I have tailored heap4.c for internal RAM and heap_5.c for external RAM, but this is more like a dirty hack than a nice clean solution... I do not want to have modified FreeRTOS code in my project and I also would be happy to avoid having 3rd party malloc libraries.

Thanks for any ideas in advance and best regards, Geza

non-contiguous heap definition for different types of memories

Posted by davedoors on August 30, 2016

Perhaps use static allocation (xTaskCreateStatic(), xQueueCreateStatic(), etc.) for FreeRTOS objects to allow you to place structs and task stacks in internal RAM, then if your application calls pvPortMalloc() for other objects have heap_4/5.c use the external RAM?

Or wrap pvPortMalloc() and vPortFree() in your own API that redirects the allocation to fast or slow RAM depending?

Or have pvPortMalloc() use fast internal RAM for FreeRTOS objects, and then call normally malloc() for anything else and have that come from slow RAM?

non-contiguous heap definition for different types of memories

Posted by gezab on August 30, 2016

Thanks for your rapid reply, Dave.

As a matter of fact, I already have static OS object allocation with objects defined in IRAM1 (64k, very fast internal). I want to keep IRAM1 for statically allocated objects, IRAM2 (256k, fast internal) for dynamically allocated objects (like file name lists, codec work areas, etc.) and the ERAM1 (32M, slow external) for storing large amounts of data like the input/output of codecs, pictures, web pages, etc.

My biggest problem with having both heap4.c and heap5.c is that I needed to rename exported functions in order to avoid naming conflicts.

Do you think that it would be feasible and reasonable to keep the static allocation scheme for OS objects, keeping heap_4.c for fast stuff and wrapping standard library malloc and co. for external slow things (wrapping is needed for thread safety, I thought of protecting function calls with semaphores)? This way I would have control over memory types, I do not have naming conflicts, the only drawback is code size as I have two independent sets of allocation functions.

On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 3:00 PM, Dave davedoors@users.sf.net wrote:

Perhaps use static allocation (xTaskCreateStatic(), xQueueCreateStatic(), etc.) for FreeRTOS objects to allow you to place structs and task stacks in internal RAM, then if your application calls pvPortMalloc() for other objects have heap_4/5.c use the external RAM?

Or wrap pvPortMalloc() and vPortFree() in your own API that redirects the allocation to fast or slow RAM depending?

Or have pvPortMalloc() use fast internal RAM for FreeRTOS objects, and then call normally malloc() for anything else and have that come from slow


non-contiguous heap definition for different types of memories


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non-contiguous heap definition for different types of memories

Posted by rtel on August 30, 2016

Do you think that it would be feasible and reasonable to keep the static allocation scheme for OS objects, keeping heap_4.c for fast stuff and wrapping standard library malloc and co. for external slow things (wrapping is needed for thread safety, I thought of protecting function calls with semaphores)? This way I would have control over memory types, I do not have naming conflicts, the only drawback is code size as I have two independent sets of allocation functions.

Yes, sounds reasonable. You just need to make sure that your linker script is able to place the heap in your large external memory.

non-contiguous heap definition for different types of memories

Posted by gezab on August 31, 2016

Thanks, Richard. I converted my code as written above, it is fully functional and works as desired.

Just for my own information, would you also consider introducing a new memory allocation flavour like I described in my previous email? That is, on top of having a bunch of HeapRegiont descriptors, introducing a second level of grouping (e.g. HeapRegionGroupt) and the ability to control which group pvPortMalloc() will allocate memory from.

On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 5:19 PM, Real Time Engineers ltd. wrote:

Do you think that it would be feasible and reasonable to keep the static allocation scheme for OS objects, keeping heap_4.c for fast stuff and wrapping standard library malloc and co. for external slow things (wrapping is needed for thread safety, I thought of protecting function calls with semaphores)? This way I would have control over memory types, I do not have naming conflicts, the only drawback is code size as I have two independent sets of allocation functions.

Yes, sounds reasonable. You just need to make sure that your linker

script is able to place the heap in your large external memory.

non-contiguous heap definition for different types of memories

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non-contiguous heap definition for different types of memories

Posted by rtel on August 31, 2016

Controlling which group an allocation came from would presumably need an additional parameter to the allocation function - so I'm not sure how practical that would be internally for the OS without breaking backward compatibility, or without breaking the semantic similarity between pvPortMalloc()/vPortFree() and malloc()/free().

I think this could be done externally, at the application level though, for those few that need it. So there would be a wrapper around the pvPortMalloc() and vPortFree() functions that chose which memory allocator to use - the issue would then be how to get around having multiple definitions of the allocation functions themselves.

non-contiguous heap definition for different types of memories

Posted by richard_damon on August 31, 2016

The amount of code needed for duplicate inplementations of malloc and free is pretty small, especially for systems that would need this sort of functionality, which by definition have multiple ram segments. Having your own private fork of the memory allocation functions (copied from the standard FreeRTOS functions and given a new function name) shouldn't add that much work, as these functions have been fairly stable, so little need to migrate updates. Any method I can think of to make this general purpose so as to be part of the official port seems to add overhead to the simple case or breaks backwards compatibility which isn't desired. It also is very liey possibile that different memory regions will want differant stratagies for the allocation method (the small, very fast memory might be best with a static, zero overhead method, the very large but slow memory may need the full allocation/deallocation capability).

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