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lwIP: Blocking on queues and sockets

Posted by Marcel van Lieshout on August 5, 2013
After asking some questions on this forum, I felt it was time to contribute a little.

I am running lwIP on FreeRTOS and was building an application that should block on a combination of FreeRTOS queues and lwIP sockets. After realizing that the lwIP socket-api is based on FreeRTOS queues, I came up with the following.
xQueueHandle lwip_GetAcceptQ(int s)
// Add these functions to the end of lwIP's sockets.c
// Get FreeRTOS handle of accept queue
xQueueHandle xQueue = NULL;
struct lwip_sock *sock;

sock = tryget_socket(s);
if((sock != NULL) && (sock->conn != NULL))
xQueue = sock->conn->acceptmbox;


xQueueHandle lwip_GetRecvQ(int s)
// Get FreeRTOS handle of receive queue
xQueueHandle xQueue = NULL;
struct lwip_sock *sock;

sock = tryget_socket(s);
if((sock != NULL) && (sock->conn != NULL))
xQueue = sock->conn->recvmbox;


int lwip_DataInRecvQ(int s)
// Return 1 (TRUE) if there is data in the socket receive pbuf(s),
// 0 (FALSE) otherwise
int iReturn = 0;
struct lwip_sock *sock;

sock = tryget_socket(s);
if((sock != NULL) && (sock->conn != NULL))
iReturn = (sock->lastdata != NULL);


These functions return the queue handles that are (exclusively) used by lwIP for the given socket. Having the queue-id, one can simply add it to a queue set.

One note: use the lwip_DataInRecvQ(s) function to check is there is data available in the local socket buffers. This data must be read before attempting to block on the socket receive queue.

RE: lwIP: Blocking on queues and sockets

Posted by Marcel van Lieshout on August 5, 2013
(tidied up a little. Is there no preview on the forum? Or an edit button?)

// Add these functions to the end of lwIP's sockets.c

xQueueHandle lwip_GetAcceptQ(int s)
// Get FreeRTOS handle of accept queue
xQueueHandle xQueue = NULL;
struct lwip_sock *sock;

sock = tryget_socket(s);
if((sock != NULL) && (sock->conn != NULL))
xQueue = sock->conn->acceptmbox;


xQueueHandle lwip_GetRecvQ(int s)
// Get FreeRTOS handle of receive queue
xQueueHandle xQueue = NULL;
struct lwip_sock *sock;

sock = tryget_socket(s);
if((sock != NULL) && (sock->conn != NULL))
xQueue = sock->conn->recvmbox;


int lwip_DataInRecvQ(int s)
// Return 1 (TRUE) if there is data in the socket receive pbuf(s),
// 0 (FALSE) otherwise
int iReturn = 0;
struct lwip_sock *sock;

sock = tryget_socket(s);
if((sock != NULL) && (sock->conn != NULL))
iReturn = (sock->lastdata != NULL);


RE: lwIP: Blocking on queues and sockets

Posted by Richard on August 5, 2013
Thanks for the input.

Unfortunately there is no edit button!


RE: lwIP: Blocking on queues and sockets

Posted by Marcel van Lieshout on August 6, 2013
“Thanks for the input.”
Well, it was a long time ago since I wrote the pic18/wizC port. Now I'm all into PIC32.

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