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clean up deleted task 's resouce in sho...

Posted by vincent on August 19, 2013
HI :
is there a way to clean up deleted task's resource in short time by IDLE task and create new task at once ?


RE: clean up deleted task 's resouce in sho...

Posted by Richard Damon on August 19, 2013
Generally, it doesn't make sense for the task to be deleted and then recreated right away, so you may be doing something wrong.

The idle task will run as soon as there is no higher priority task ready to use time, so there are two ways to make this happen:
1) Make sure that all tasks are pending on something or,
2) Temporarily raise the priority of the idle task, and have code in the idle hook put it back down (the idle hook may need to let the idle task run twice, as it might be pass the point of doing the cleanup when the first cycle runs.

RE: clean up deleted task 's resouce in sho...

Posted by vincent on August 19, 2013
in web application, i need to create new tasked to deal something , then return back to web application , if i don't create new task to do this , web application seems to be halt .
dues to increase system heap size, i plan to merge some task in one task

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