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prvSampleTimeNow() causes Hard Fault

Posted by despr on April 11, 2016

Hello, I am working on a project with ATSAML21 (Cortex-M0+) and Atmel Studio 7. I have an issue with a timer I have in my program. When I use the timer, the code causes a Hard Fault in the prvProcessTimeeOrBlockTask() in the line xTimeNow = prvSampleTimeNow( &xTimerListsWereSwitched ). I can't get why this is happening. When I delete the timer, the Scheduler starts fine (makes sense). As far the configuration of FreeRTOS is concerned, I have followed the Demo example for Cortex M0+ so I believe I have no issues with the interrupt vector table. Any thoughts on my problem? What am I missing??

Thank you so much in advance

prvSampleTimeNow() causes Hard Fault

Posted by rtel on April 11, 2016

Are you using a recent FreeRTOS version with configASSERT() defined? (the more recent the version the more assert points to catch problems - although this is more relevant to Cortex-M3/4/7 than Cortex-M0).

Do you have stack overflow and malloc failed hooks defined?

If the above don't help, then please step into the function in the debugger to find the exact line where the fault occurs.


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