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LPC23xx port with Keil/RV compiler

Posted by Riccardo Cusatelli on April 13, 2010
I'm trying to port FreeRTOS to the LPC2388 (it should be compatible with all others LPC23xx). I'm using the Keil uVision 4 and the KEIL MCB2388 board.

I started from the demo for the LPC2129 because I found harder to import the GCC project.
However I'm in trouble: the processor goes in "Abort Mode" after 2 seconds and I don't know why..

Has somebody already done this port?

Riccardo Cusatelli

RE: LPC23xx port with Keil/RV compiler

Posted by Richard on April 13, 2010
I don't think this will be the cause of your problem, and I assume you know already as it runs for a few seconds, but the LPC23xx has a different timer set to the LPC2129. If you compare the two LPC2xxx ports in the Source/Portable/GCC directory you will see the two differences.

How far is the code getting? Is the scheduler actually starting to run your task code?


RE: LPC23xx port with Keil/RV compiler

Posted by Riccardo Cusatelli on April 13, 2010
Thanks for reply.
The problem was a task which wasn't a endless cycle.. D'OH!!
Fixed that, now freeRtos works perfectly! Tomorrow I'm testing it better.
Can I put the port in the "interactive" section when I'll finish? It could be useful for other people.

Now I've a question: Is correct that if a thread "return"s, the system crash?


RE: LPC23xx port with Keil/RV compiler

Posted by Richard on April 13, 2010
“Can I put the port in the "interactive" section when I'll finish? It could be useful for other people.”

Yes - please do.

“Now I've a question: Is correct that if a thread "return"s, the system crash?”

Yes that is the expected behaviour. A task must never be allowed to run off the end of the function that implements it. If you want a task to exit its function then you must include a call to vTaskDelete( NULL ); before the closing bracket.

Having tasks automatically be deleted if they run off there function is possible, but the implementation would have to be port specific, and increase the code size for no good reason. So its preferred just to use the existing and portable vTaskDelete() function explicitly.


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