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H8S Interrupt Mode 2

Posted by Brad R on April 4, 2010
I had a problem getting the H8/S port to run on an H8S/2212 -- it kept crashing, with even the simplest of tasks (flashing an LED). Working through the FreeRTOS code, I finally discovered that as distributed, it supports only Interrupt Control Mode 0. We're using Interrupt Control Mode 2 (prioritized interrupts) in our project. Here's the fix, if anyone else needs it:

In portmacro.h, I added a new #define portINTERRUPT_MODE_2 and then changed the critical section macros as follows:

/* define the following if Interrupt Control Mode 2 is used */
#define portINTERRUPT_MODE_2

#ifdef portINTERRUPT_MODE_2

/* Critical section handling. */
#define portENABLE_INTERRUPTS()asm volatile( "ANDC#0xF8, EXR" );
#define portDISABLE_INTERRUPTS()asm volatile( "ORC #0x07, EXR" );

/* Push the EXR then disable interrupts. */
#define portENTER_CRITICAL() asm volatile( "STCEXR, @-ER7" ); \

/* Pop the EXR to set the interrupt masking back to its previous state. */
#define portEXIT_CRITICAL() asm volatile( "LDC @ER7+, EXR" );


/* Critical section handling. */
#define portENABLE_INTERRUPTS()asm volatile( "ANDC#0x7F, CCR" );
#define portDISABLE_INTERRUPTS()asm volatile( "ORC #0x80, CCR" );

/* Push the CCR then disable interrupts. */
#define portENTER_CRITICAL() asm volatile( "STCCCR, @-ER7" ); \

/* Pop the CCR to set the interrupt masking back to its previous state. */
#define portEXIT_CRITICAL() asm volatile( "LDC @ER7+, CCR" );


In function pxPortInitialiseStack, in file port.c, I changed the CCR initialization as follows:

/* Followed by the CCR. */
*pxTopOfStack = portINITIAL_CCR;

/* If H8S interrupt mode 2 is used, we also need to push EXR */
#ifdef portINTERRUPT_MODE_2
*pxTopOfStack = 0;
*pxTopOfStack = portINITIAL_EXR;

with this at the top of the file:

/* If interrupt control mode 2 is used, the interrupt stack is different */
#define portINITIAL_EXR ( ( portSTACK_TYPE ) 0x00 )

RE: H8S Interrupt Mode 2

Posted by Brad R on April 4, 2010
Sorry, somehow my "code" tags didn't work, and I don't see how to edit the post. I hope the code fragments are readable.

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