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GCC ARM port and use of -fomit-frame-pointer

Posted by Glen B. on April 14, 2007
I see the GCC ARM port issue regarding thread unsafe function returns is still biting people. I find the use of -fomit-frame-pointer interferes with some debuggers' abilities to unwind the stack. Some time ago I suggested a FreeRTOS port fix for it. I have been using the fix successfully for some time now. It seems to take care of the issue. I think it should be in the official ARM port so that the problem doesn't keep coming back.

Here it is again (without explanation):
In the portSAVE_CONTEXT() macro of portmacro.h add the commented line in the position shown below

____/* Set R0 to point to the task stack pointer. */ \
________"STMDBSP,{SP}^ \n\t" \
________"NOP \n\t" \
________"SUBSP, SP, #4 \n\t" \
________"LDMIASP!,{R0} \n\t" \
/*gb - step over possible GCC stacked items (GCC bug)*/ \
________"SUBR0, R0, #8 \n\t" \

RE: GCC ARM port and use of -fomit-frame-pointer

Posted by Nobody/Anonymous on April 19, 2007
No response to this? Looks like a good idea.

Does this mean it uses an extra 8 bytes of RAM for each context? Should not be a problem I don't think.

RE: GCC ARM port and use of -fomit-frame-pointer

Posted by Glen B. on April 19, 2007
Yes, eight bytes of stack space are wasted for each task, except the running task (and except for those tasks that were in the non thread-safe state when their context was saved). Also, the cost of a context switch goes up by the execution of one register-to-register instruction.

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